Webster’s Dictionary defines a Nest Egg as : a fund of money accumulated, as a reserve.
While a big pile of the green stuff sure does sound lovely. We here on the Farm, have a different definition.
We define a Nest Egg as : The acquisition of a unique set of old fashioned skills, building connection and conversations with those of like mind with the intent to grow sustenance and sustainability within a community.
These days having a support system of like minded people may not seem like the best fall back, security type advice but it truly is priceless and worth more than its weight in gold.
I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve learned valuable skills and/or ideas from our members. Someone is always gonna be better at something. And it’s with a humble heart that we want to come alongside YOU and help strengthen your Portfolio of Sustainability, so to speak.
From sourdough starter, to using natural medicine, to making your own kefir and kombucha, we want to help you be more resilient.
No one said resiliency has to start with complicated skills or buying an entire farm. In fact, sometimes the best way of getting started is with simple things that we can grasp quickly and move on. The little bursts of ‘Hey, I really got this!’, will only grow our confidence and inspire us to tackle yet another skill, head on.
Long before we ever bought our first milk cow, we bought raw milk.
Long before we made our own natural medicines, we purchased them from a friend.
And before we started growing our own medicinal gardens, we ordered starts.
So you see, there is no shame in starting where you are….and growing from there.
You might come to realize that you’d rather not milk cows every day rain or shine to have raw milk. OR you might realize that that itch to own your own dairy herd is not going away, and choose to pursue it whole heartedly.
No matter your step, we would love to be part of your story.
Choosing to grow a Nest Egg built on a sustainable skills, know how and connection will forever increase in value. It can never be scammed or stolen. It’s not subject to a shaky economy. And perhaps contrary to your financial advisor, it will pay the best dividends.
“Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.”