Thank You for shopping with us!

From our Family to Yours—Thank You from the bottom of our boots for supporting our Farmstead. We hope you love your order as much as we will love making it for, YOU!

​pro tips:

Keep It Cold – Always store raw milk in the coldest part of your fridge (usually near the back) at or below 38°F. This helps maintain its freshness and ensures the best flavor.

Make Homemade Butter – Raw milk’s cream can easily be churned into butter. Just let the cream rise to the top, skim it off, and shake or churn it until butter forms. The leftover buttermilk is great for baking!

fun fact:​

Did you know…..Milk Cows drink ALOT of water?

A dairy cow can drink the equivalent of a bathtub full of water each day to produce milk. That’s 50+ gallons a day, per cow. Now that’s alot of water!!!!!

Did you know…..Milk Cows take naps? 😴

Despite their large size, cows are gentle creatures that enjoy resting. They can lie down for up to 14 hours a day! 😉

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